To add animations to your HUD you must rez it to the ground. Be sure to be on land where you have rez permissions. Be very careful with "no copy" animations to be sure you are dragging it into the HUD and not an object nearby.
1. Once rezzed, right-click to the EDIT the HUD and go to the contents tab. 2. Drag the animations from your inventory into the Contents tab. It is best to do only a few (2 or 3) animations at a time. 3. Wait for the HUD to load them. Look in local chat to see the "ready" message. Continue dragging animations until you are finished. 4. Pick up your HUD and wear it (or ADD).
You can RENAME your HUD if you choose to find it easily. This can only be done while the HUD is rezzed.
Increase the Amount of Dancers / Updating
Your Smooth Dancer comes with a default of 20 dancer slots. You can increase this to 40 by using the Updater included in your HUD. This is the exact same process to update when a new version of Smooth Dancer becomes available however you would use the Updater in the NEW version.
1. Rez the Updater and watch local chat. The Updater will tell you to rez your HUD next to it. 2. Rez your HUD and then click the Updater. You will see a pop-up blue menu asking how many dancers slots you want. 3. Click the amount of dancers slots. 4. Watch local chat to see the progress of the Updater and wait for it to say that it is done and you can safely pick up your HUD. 5. Take you HUD back into your inventory. Once you wear it, you will see the amount of dancer slots you've chosen in the contents tab.
Show Animation Info
LIST ALL DANCES A new button has been added to the bottom of the ALL tab (orange down arrow) which will send an alphabetical list of all dances inside the HUD to local chat.
Tip for Firestorm Users: Turn off "Use V1 style chat headers " when using the List All Dances button for a cleaner list. Click Control-H (chat history) to view. Preferences -> Chat -> Chat Windows
LIST BUTTONS Type /99buttons in chat and a list of commands programmed to your hot buttons will appear in chat, only visible to the HUD owner.
CURRENT DANCE Type /99curdance in chat to display the name of the currently playing animation in the chat window, only visible to the HUD owner.
STOPPING Any dancer can remove themselves from the HUD by typing /99stop in chat.