PBR Materials & the Spot On Glow Fader
What are PBR Materials? “Physically Based Rendering” is a new type of texture added to Second Life. It allows for advanced reflections and rendering effects. Linden Lab can explain it far better than I can: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/PBR_Materials OK, So What if I Just Don't Use PBR Materials? If you stick to legacy (Blinn-Phong) materials, the glow fader will work exactly as it always has. But, now that the PBR Genie has been let out of the bottle, more and more creators will be using PBR materials in their creations. I think it will become difficult to avoid PBR in the future. I fully expect Creators to embrace PBR, as it allows them to create richer and more detailed content. How do I Know if an Object has a PBR Material Applied to It? Edit the object and look at the "PBR" tab under the Texture Tab in Firestorm. If it's Grey X's, you probably don't have PBR Materials on this object. Then How Do I Fade/Show/Hide Objects with PBR Materials? Due to some complicated (and somewhat shortsighted) design choices made by Linden Lab, this is going to be difficult for a while. Existing show/hide/fade scripts are highly unlikely to work with PBR materials. You don’t want to hear this, but there’s not a good “generic” solution right now. So What Happens Now? I’m confident this issue will be addressed by Linden Lab at some point, as this is a real pain for content creators. As new solutions emerge, I’ll be updating the Glow Fader to handle these things using best practices and new technology as it becomes available. Martin Yeats Spot On |
September 2024
AuthorGalilla Sinatra Categories