Optionally, you can manually edit a recorded Formations notecard to increase distance, time, or speed that you have recorded.
If you want to edit a recording you've made in the Group Formation HUD, very basically, the formats are:
face <angle>,<time> This command changes the facing of the movers, relative to the rotation of the controller.
faceforward <time> Return the movers to the default facing, which is equal to the controllers facing.
formation <name>,<time>,<facing>,<scale>,[invert] Tells the movers to move to the specified formation.
move <offset vector>,<time>,<facing> Moves the entire formation in the direction of the offset vector. The vector is always relative to the orientation of the controller, regardless of facing or rotation of the formation.
rot <angle>,<time>,<facing> This command changes the facing of the formation, relative to the rotation of the controller.
rotforward <time>,<facing> Return the formation to the default facing, which is equal to the controller's facing.
Looping a formation sequence To have the formation movement sequence repeat, at the bottom, add the time you wish the looping to start and the command REPEAT. <time>|REPEAT EXAMPLE: <65.000000>|REPEAT
Change to increase time, distance, etc. The best way to understand manually editing a Formations Recording is to look at a very basic recording. You can then get an idea of how changing a number such as <1,0,0> to <5,0,0> will easily change your recording from moving 1 meter forward to moving 5 meters forward. This comes in handy since the HUD has a maximum of 2 meters distance, you'd need multiple clicks to go 5 meters.
We'll use a simple formation change, then a move forward, then a rotation, and then a move backwards. Dumping the recording, we get this:
From start time | go into the formation Arrow, taking 2 seconds to get into it (2), *face forward is on (0), the formation scale is 1 meter between dancers (1)
At 4 seconds into the recording | move 1 meter forward (<1,0,0>), speed of 2 seconds (2), and facing forward (0)
At 8 seconds into the recording | rotate 90 degrees (clockwise), taking 2 seconds to do it, and *face forward is on.
At 12 seconds into the recording | move 1 meter backwards <-1,0,0>, speed of 2 seconds (2), and with *face forward on
*Face forward refers to the two icons in the Group Formations HUD that change how the dancers face during movement (the two little people in the blue area). See the HUD graphic.