You can record a set of actions from the HUD and play them back at a later time. Store your recorded routines in your HUD for selection and playback with any number of dancers at any time. The recording stores the formation changes, movement commands, speed and rotations and will play them back for all amounts of dancers. If you recorded using 4 dancers, playback with 8 will work as well.
Note: The Spot On Group Formation System will record ONLY those movements made by the system itself, not animations from your dance HUD.
Because the movers will begin playback from their current position, It's a good idea to start your recordings AND playback at the start position / formation. To return to the start position prior to recording, press the dot in the middle of the directional movement arrows (keeps the current formation but returns to the start position), or the RESET button (returns to start position and formation).
While wearing your HUD and the controller and movers rezzed:
1. Select your initial formation and press the RECORD button on the HUD. 2. Click through your desired movements, etc. 3. When finished, click the RECORD button again to stop the recording. 4. Create a new notecard in your inventory and name it something short but meaningful. 5. Click the GET DATA button on the HUD. The system will generate data in the local chat window.
6. Highlight and copy all the lines from chat. 7. Paste this into the notecard you created in your inventory and save. 8. Edit the HUD, you can do this while wearing the HUD, and drag and drop the notecard into the contents of the HUD. Close the edit window when done.
To access the recordings you have saved in the HUD, you must first load the notecard you wish to play. Click the SELECT NOTECARD button. This will bring up a blue popup menu listing the names of the saved notecards in your HUD, click one to select that recording.
PLAY: Begins playback. Your recording will play correctly with any number of dancers.
PAUSE: Pauses playback at the end of the next movement. Press PAUSE again to continue.
STOP: Stops playback. Press the RESET button to return to the start position.
To make an active recording inactive, press the Unload button. Particularly useful when developing a dance sequence using the Performance Director HUD and you want to edit the dance sequence without actually moving.