Peformance Director
Use the menu below to navigate through the Performance Director documentation.
Use the menu below to navigate through the Performance Director documentation.
Single Controller - 3 to 10 dancers 1. After rezzing the Controller, open the !!Configuration notecard inside and find the line #controllernumber 1
2. Delete the # at the beginning of the line, save the notecard and close it. 3. Reset the scripts in the Controller (or take it into your inventory and rez again). You should now see additional hovertext over the Controller.
The dancer numbers, if all 10 spots are rezzed,
would be 1 through 10. Example Hover Text
Channel 1 Controller Number 1 |
The dancer numbers, if all 10 spots are rezzed,
would be 11 through 20. Example Hover Text
Channel 1 Controller Number 2 |