Land Impact - can be resized - 11 PE at approximately 20 meters (smaller is less PE) Low lag (only 4 64K low lag scripts) 100% Original Mesh Control via chat command on a channel you set Access Control via one word in a notecard Responds to commands from the Spot On Performance Director HUD Includes all textures to personalize - shade map (tintable, specular map (shininess), and normal map (bump) Copy/Mod to fit your stage No Transfer Come by the Spot On Store to see the small set rezzed or visit the Marketplace store. To celebrate the 4th of July we have put a special set of Spot On Dance
Streamers as a group gift at the main store. Please drop by and take a copy, it'll only be there a limited time! Please stay in the group as this is the main way we announce updates to the Sot On tools. And as a salute to our Armed Forces, we've released some fun military scripted pasties and officer's hats, US and UK versions! Also available at the store. |
September 2024
AuthorGalilla Sinatra Categories