Performance Director version 3.0 has built-in buttons for the Launchpad.
Using the Launchpad
NOTE: Performance Director 3.0 now has integrated Launchpad Controls. No need to wear the small HUD.
The Launchpad is a simple addition to the Spot On Choreography Design System designed to make it easier to keep your Movers backstage so users can easily find them before you "launch" them into position to start your routine.
Key Features of the Launchpad
The launchpad can be configured for a Maximum of 4, 8, 16 or 32 movers. The movers will be more widely spaced when a smaller maximum is selected. Only movers with a dancer number less than or equal to the maximum will be able to go to the launchpad.
Send your movers backstage with zero configuration. No additional designer rings, no additional notecards. It just works.
Send movers to the stage without reloading your Performance Director notecard. This saves valuable time between acts, taking pressure off you and your dancers.
A Note to Users of Backstage Movers
If you are thinking this sounds a lot like the Backstage Movers feature, you're right! The Launchpad is an evolution of the Backstage Movers feature that should make it more simple to use.
If you're a lover of Backstage Movers, don't panic. We're confident you will find the Launchpad a superior method to keep your movers backstage. But even if you don't, Backstage Movers will continue to work just as they always have. They're not going away. Once you get the hand of the Launchpad, you'll never want to go back.
Tell Me How to Make it Work
The basic flow of the launchpad is as follows:
Rez your design rings and design your set, just like you normally would. Place your design rings where you want the dancers to be at the beginning of your dance. Don't even THINK about the backstage positioning at this point, that comes later.
Test your Movers and ensure they work as desired with your routine. Ensure you have @spot_dancer number assigned to your dancer Movers. This is very important; a Mover will not move to the Launchpad if it doesn't have an @spot_dancer number!
Now that you are done designing your routine, go backstage and rez your Launchpad at the location you'd like your Movers to go when you send them backstage.
Put on the "Spot On Launchpad HUD" from your Choreography Design System folder.
Click the "Back Stage" button on the HUD.
That's it! Your movers should now jump to the launchpad location. When you are ready for your act to begin, just click the "On Stage" button on your HUD and your movers will jump back to their original locations, ready for you to press "Play" on your Performance Director HUD.
Dancers can get on and off of the movers at any time and will receive invites and all the usual behaviors whether the mover is on the launchpad or not.
Caveats and Limitations
Only Movers Version 2.4 or higher will use the Launchpad. Previous versions will ignore the Launchpad.
Only Movers with @spot_dancer lines in their configuration will use the Launchpad. Movers without this configuration will ignore it. See Mover Configuration Parameter
Movers linked to other objects WILL move to the Launchpad and as long as that mover is also assigned a dancer number using the @spot_dancer parameter.
You can only use ONE Launchpad at a time per Simulator. If you rez multiple Launchpads on the same simulator, you may randomly jump between them. This is generally a bad idea. Don't do it.
No need to pack your Launchpad into the Stage Manager set rezzer. Just drop it backstage and your movers will find it when you press the "Back Stage" button.
Advanced Features
Max Movers - Left click the Launchpad to set the max number of movers from the pop-up menu. The launchpad can be configured for a Maximum of 4, 8, 16 or 32 movers. The movers will be more widely spaced when a smaller maximum is selected. Only movers with a dancer number less than or equal to the maximum will be able to go to the launchpad.
Texturing your Launchpad You can customize your Launchpad by placing a texture in the contents of the launchpad. That texture will be applied to the Launchpad. If you remove your texture, the default will return.
Launchpad Menu The Launchpad menu can be accessed by clicking on the Launchpad. You can turn it on and off, and resize the Launchpad from this menu.
Locate Launchpad Button Clicking the "Locate Launchpad" button will give you the status (on or off) and location of all Launchpads on the sim. This is useful for finding forgotten or misplaced Launchpads.
@Launchpad Option You can add @launchpad to a mover notecard, and as long as that mover is also assigned a dancer number using the @spot_dancer parameter, it will jump to the Launchpad as soon as that notecard is loaded. This is useful when using the same movers for multiple acts.
Chat Channel and Commands
If you wish to automate your Launchpad commands, here are the commands and channel. See Performance Director Commands and Hotkeys to configure these options on your buttons.
CHANNEL: The Launchpad listens on channel -62367. This cannot be changed.
goonstage Sends the movers to the stage.
gobackstage Send the movers to the Launchpad.
locatelaunchpad Sends the location of all of your Launchpads on the current sim. Helpful for locating lost Launchpads.