Make sure to use the latest versions - Performance Director HUD and Choreography System. You should have automatically received your update but if not, you can get the latest versions at the terminal in the store.
First and foremost, be aware that the Performance Director HUD is NOT meant to be a replacement for your everyday dance HUD. Nor can it be used as an AO.
We suggest you use your normal HUD to choose the dances you'd like to use for the performance, or play them from your inventory, and then put them in your Performance Director HUD to create your sequence/routine.
If you are unfamiliar with how to use your Spot On Choreography System, please review the directions on
Performance Director HUD must have a number for every dancer. You do this by putting the @spot_dancer # parameter at the top of each Mover notecard. Each dancer must have a separate dancer number.
PLEASE BE AWARE that when you press PLAY on your Performance Director, all movers will begin no matter what channel they are on. If you do not want them to move when PLAY is pressed, use the "dummy" notecard method as described in How to Make Backstage Movers video. See Optional Parameters for more about the Choreography System Movers.