To configure some added features, edit the !!Configuration notecard in your HUD. You can do this while wearing it by right-clicking the HUD and choosing EDIT. In the CONTENTS tab of the Edit window, open the !!Configuration notecard. Make the changes as described below, save the card and close it. The HUD will automatically reset the scripts to read the new configuration.
/99stop - Chat Command to Stop (does not need to be configured) Anyone dancing on your HUD can remove themselves at any time by typing /99stop in local chat.
Pause / Idle Dance The "pause" or "idle" dance will be activated when you click the PAUSE button that appears on the bottom of every tab. In the !! Configuration notecard inside, replace the dance name "Figure Eight Bounce" with the exact name of the dance you want to use for pauses:
@idledance Figure Eight Bounce
Anklelock The "Spot On Ankle Lock 6" is inside your Smooth Dancer. To enable it, type the following line into the !! Configuration notecard:
To disable it, add a # sign in front of the line: #@anklelock
Note: Wearing another ankle lock device may inhibit the Smooth Dancer's ankle lock feature. It's best to wear no other ankle lock device.
Hotkey Buttons There are 5 programmable buttons on the All Tab for you to configure to send chat commands. These can be used to send emotes or commands to other objects such as curtains or particle effects. The buttons will "say" or "shout" commands on the channel you configure. Can also be used with Spot On Costume Assistant.
SAY or SHOUT: - Using SAY (or the alias: small s) sends the command within 20 meters of where you are. - Using SHOUT (or the alias: capital S) sends the command region-wide.
#Configuration for the hot buttons @button1=SAY:0:Hello and thank you for coming! @button2=SAY:10:play @button3=SHOUT:0:Please come in!
Examples: Button #1 above is configured to "say" in local chat (channel 0) "Hello and thank you for coming!" when it is pressed. All avatars within 20 meters of you will see the chat.
Button #2 above will "say" on channel 10 the command "play" when pressed. This is the equivalent of typing /10 play in chat to issue a command to an object which takes commands on channel 10. This chat will not appear to you or others.
Button #3 above will "shout" in local chat (channel 0) "Please come in!" so that everyone on the sim will see.
Emote Spoofing: @button4=SAY:0:What big teeth you have!:Red Riding Hood
Button #4 above will "say" in local chat (channel 0) "What big teeth you have!" and make it appear that Red Riding Hood said it instead of you.
To configure which of the two skins you want (Midnight or Green), use the command:
To configure your Smooth Dancer to work with your Spot On Movers, first remove the # sign from in front of the line @spotInvite. This will now allow it to send invites.
Group Formation System: In the Controller, open the !! Configuration notecard inside it and remove the # sign in front of the @controllernumber line to show:
@controllernumber 1
If you use more controllers, number them 2, etc. See editing the Controller
Club Mover System: In the Controller, edit the Config notecard to allow SD invites by removing the # before the line: @sd_invite