Select the skin notecard you wish to apply. Skin notecards are inside a package called "Spot On Performance Director Skins" in your PD folder.
Drag the notecard into the HUD. Just drag it over and drop it!
The PD will load the notecard and reset all scripts.
After the skin is applied, the notecard with be removed automatically from the HUD. Make sure to keep the skin notecards in your inventory for later use.
Change the Scale:
Select the Skin notecard you wish to use.
Edit the notecard and find the line with "GLOBAL_SCALE_FACTOR".
Set a value between 0.5 and 2.0. (0.5 being the smallest, 2.0 being the largest, and 1.0 being the default size)
Now that you have modified the skin notecard, apply it to your PD using the above instructions.
Change the Text Color
Select the Skin notecard you wish to use.
Edit the notecard and change the "TEXT_COLOR" and "TEXT_COLOR_SELECTED" to your preferred colors by entering red, green, blue, black, purple, yellow, orange or the RGB value you want.